To the West of the diamond in South Elm Road Park, the medallion lies waiting near the rough pine bark.
A few steps off the path, resting beneath the trees, if you haven’t found it yet, it wasn’t meant to be.
Acolytes of Ruth & Aaron gather at these bases, from 4 to 3 continue on for several dozen paces.
In the derby-wood stand, the medallion will be found, a thorough search should turn it up, eyes focused on the ground!
The path lies close, bituminous, winding throughout nature, in fields nearby the kids bump hips – Ojibwe nomenclature.
This medallion hunt is tough as tar, like hunting for a needle, look for a place to seal your hull, a sticky-fingered deal.
A beastly count, one digit short, to number chosen Place, discern the verse that Maiden sang, you may just win this race!
Look to South, to East, to West and water you will find. Look North to find another port, of a different kind.
The Parks & Trails online map, an arrow in your quiver, the quadrant readily discerned – garbanzos and beef liver.
The ancient elven canopies to Dubnos mark the way, speak their name and you will find the grounds where children play.